Career Opportunities in the 184th Wing
The 184th Wing has career opportunities that accelerate your life, jumpstart your knowledge, and give you experience. This puts you ahead of your competition.
Imagine backing your resume with technical expertise, intense training, skill-related education and the highly respected reputation of the Kansas Air National Guard.
The career descriptions below offer a brief overview of duties, as well as the Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC); the Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) score requirements; location and duration of tech school; and other mandatory requirements if applicable.
Airmen who haven’t served in the military before will attend Basic Military Training at Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, Texas, prior to attending a tech school.
Cyberspace, Communications and Information Technology Careers
Cyber Warfare Operations 1B4X1
Cyber Warfare Operations Specialists design, install, and support our systems to ensure they operate properly and are secure from outside intrusion. The future of warfare relies heavily on having the best, most secure systems, and these specialists work to make sure ours meet the bill.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 105 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 64
Other Requirements: The Cyber Warfare Operations career is only open to enlisted personnel currently serving in Air Force IT professions. A minimum score of 60 on the Air Force Electronic Data Processing Test is also required to cross-train into this career field.
Knowledge Management 3D0X1
The one tool more powerful than missiles is the information used to launch them. Responsible for the coordination and distribution of information and data, Knowledge Management Specialists play a critical role in every department of the Air National Guard. From creating launch manuals to storing and disposing of high-level documents, these professionals manage the flow, distribution, life cycle and disposal of communications and information integral to our operations.
You can go anywhere in the world as a Knowledge Operations Management Specialist in the Air National Guard. You’ll be in charge of all the data that comes in and goes out of your department, and be responsible for making sure that information is in the right hands at the right time. You’ll also use the latest technological equipment to organize and share important military information. In many Air Guard units, you’ll need a secret or top-secret clearance in order to handle sensitive or classified information.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 32 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General-64
Cyber Systems Operations 3D0X2
The Air National Guard relies heavily on advanced computer and software systems, so it is paramount to keep those systems safe. It’s the job of Cyber Systems Operations Specialists to design, install and support our systems to ensure they operate properly and remain secure from outside intrusion. These experts enhance our capabilities and provide us with the best and most secure systems so we can stay ahead of the curve in everything we do.
Some of the world's greatest technological advances begin in the U.S. military. As a Cyber Systems Operations Specialist, you'll be one of the first to utilize the latest technology while designing, installing and supporting our computer network and software systems, ensuring they operate properly and are secure from enemy cyber-attack.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 66 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 64
Cyber Surety 3D0X3
The continued advancement of computers and technology has drastically expanded our capabilities. However, these very same advancements have created vulnerability to our security as well. Responsible for preventing, detecting and repelling cyber-attacks, Cyber Surety Specialists ensure the security of computer networks and online communications. From programming to hardware, these experts keep our systems and our information safe.
As a Cyber Surety Specialist, you’ll be on the virtual frontlines of cyberspace. You’ll protect everything from radar systems to computer networks from adversaries attempting to gather secret information or wreak havoc on vital U.S. computer-controlled systems via cyber-attack.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 40 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 64
Client Systems 3D1X1
Computers and technology continue to be an integral part of everything we do. Providing the Air National Guard with communications networking expertise, Client Systems Specialists ensure that all of our computer hardware and software function correctly at all times. From installing necessary programs to troubleshooting and repairing, these experts play a critical role ensuring that we maintain the access and control of the technology necessary to complete all of our missions.
The U.S. Air Force operates more computers than almost any other organization in the world. As a Client Systems Specialist in the Air National Guard, it’ll be your responsibility to keep this crucial equipment functioning at peak performance. Day to day, you’ll keep software and hardware operating properly. Client Systems Specialists need at least a secret clearance in order to access classified areas
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 67 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Electrical - 60
Radio Frequency (RF) Transmission Systems 3D1X3
Communication is essential to our base operations and the effective pursuit of our missions. It’s the job of Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Specialists to install and maintain our radio frequency communications. These experts must deploy, sustain, troubleshoot and repair the vast variety of communications devices—including antenna systems, tuners and transmission lines—to ensure our ability to communicate and our continued success.
From tactical communications gear and four-story fixed antennas, to ground-based satellite and encryption transmission devices, Radio Frequency Transmission Systems Specialists know it all. You'll learn how to deploy, sustain, troubleshoot, and repair a variety of electronic communications devices and systems that are integral to the success of the Air National Guard.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 120 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Electrical – 70
Ground Radar 1C8X1
It takes multiple Airmen operating dozens of sophisticated systems to manage the traffic of an air space. Responsible for air traffic and warning radar systems, Ground Radar Systems Specialists ensure that the equipment utilized by air traffic controllers and pilots is in perfect working order. These specialists install and maintain everything from air traffic control and weather equipment to ground control and warning radar to ensure aircraft can be safely guided through takeoff and landing.
As a Ground Radar Systems Specialist, you'll be in charge of the sophisticated systems that help safely manage air traffic. You'll install, maintain, and repair fixed or mobile air traffic control, weather, ground aircraft control and warning radar systems, related radar operator training devices, aircraft identification equipment, removing systems, video mappers, computerized processors, and communications subsystems. Being a Ground Radar Systems Specialist is a demanding but exciting job that requires high-level skills and continual training as new technology becomes available.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 124 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Electrical- 70
Intelligence Careers
Operations Intelligence 1N0X1
The success of any mission depends just as much on the planning and intelligence behind it as the Airmen who are carrying it out. Working as part of a team, Operations Intelligence Specialists analyze raw data, looking for usable intelligence. Fulfilling a critical role, these experts receive, analyze, report and disseminate information for key elements to help ensure our Airmen have the intelligence they need to remain safe and successfully complete their missions.
Behind every operation there is a team of Operations Intelligence Specialists gathering intelligence on the adversary. This information is a vital component in developing a strategy for a unit’s next move. You will be responsible for covertly retrieving intelligence and disseminating it to the proper authorities in support of the military’s mission. A career in Intelligence requires a security clearance, as you’ll be gathering and evaluating highly sensitive information. Your Air Guard Intelligence team will use this information to plan unit missions and to maintain the security of the troops on the frontline.
- Tech School Location: Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
- 102 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Administrative - 64
Geospatial Intelligence 1N1X1
Some of our most critical intelligence comes from keen eyes spotting miniscule details in aerial imagery. Responsible for analyzing imagery from satellites, remotely piloted vehicles and other sources, Geospatial Intelligence specialists discern what is normal and what could be a threat. These highly trained experts perform a wide array of intelligence activities that include exploitation, development and distribution of multi-sensor geospatial intelligence products to support the needs of our missions.
It takes a sharp mind and keen eye for detail to spot a hidden terrorist ambush from a satellite image, but that's just what you'll be capable of as a Geospatial Intelligence Analyst.
- Tech School Location: Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
- 104 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 66
Electronic Signals Intelligence 1N2X1
As technology becomes more sophisticated, so does the way we have to gather and interpret information. Utilizing sophisticated equipment, Signals Intelligence Analysts extract, analyze and identify foreign activity and communication that come from electromagnetic emissions. These analysts relay their findings by producing combat, strategic and tactical intelligence reports and notify the appropriate commanders of unusual activity or critical situations so we can respond with the necessary speed, force and precision.
Capturing information such as troop locations, battle tactics, or other secrets, helps the U.S. military to better plan our national defense strategy. As a Signals Intelligence Analyst, you’ll intercept, identify and analyze information traveling between foreign militaries in order to gain useful knowledge, and it will be up to you to determine what information is threatening and where it came from.
- Tech School Location: Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
- 79 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 72
Digital Network Intelligence Analysis 1N4X1
Intelligence is one of the best and most important weapons at our disposal. Responsible for acquiring and analyzing information, Digital Network Intelligence Analysts, known as Fusion Analysts determine the value and implications of intelligence we receive from target network communications. Through research and assessment, these specialists gauge the impact of the information and distribute their findings to high-level decision-makers so we can take timely action to ensure the safety of Airmen and our country.
Timely and accurate intelligence is one of the best weapons any military can possess. As a Fusion Analyst, you will covertly acquire and analyze intelligence from target network communications.
- Tech School Location: Goodfellow Air Force Base, Texas
- 106 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 62
Ground Combat Careers
Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) 1C4X1
There are few things that can change the course of battle like a properly executed air strike. Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Specialists imbed with Army units on the frontline with the incredible responsibility of calling in an air strike on the right target at just the right time. These highly trained experts go through intense physical, mental and technical training in order to withstand the demanding conditions of battle and provide their team with the firepower they need for continued success on the battlefield.
Tactical Air Control Party (TACP) Specialists are the most skilled and courageous Airmen in the entire Air National Guard. They are Ranger and Airborne qualified, proficient in air assault, scuba operation, and various parachute tactics, and able to maintain the highest physical and mental standards. As a TACP Specialist, you and your team engage enemy forces, using advanced technologies and weapon systems to direct air strikes in close proximity of friendly forces. You control and execute operational air and space power, and may operate in the most austere combat environments independent of an established airbase or its perimeter defenses.
- Tech School Location: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
- 89 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 49
Command and Control Careers
Command Post 1C3X1
Imagine yourself in the middle of the action alongside the base Wing Commander of a busy Air National Guard unit or Air Force base. As a Command Post Specialist, that’s where you’ll be – providing command, control, communications, and information support throughout the full spectrum of operations during peacetime, emergency and disaster situations, crisis, contingency and war. As a Command Post Specialist, you’ll be a crucial member of the Air Guard team, ensuring your base operates smoothly and effectively.
- Tech School Location: Keesler Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 33 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Administrative - 55 & General - 67
Command and Control 1C5X1
It takes a shrewd and well-trained person to meet the demands placed on Command and Control Battle Management Specialists every day. In this career, you’ll help manage all airfield operations, including air traffic control, airfield management, base operations, and inspections. You’ll also perform surveillance, combat identification, weapons control, tactical data link management, communications, and computer system management. You’ll fight to counter electronic attack with electronic protection actions – providing radar control and monitoring of air weapons during offensive and defensive air operations, and taking quick and decisive action in conducting battle management air operations and in system equipment management at the Tactical and Operational levels of war.
- Tech School Location: Keesler, Air Force Base, Mississippi
- 28 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: General - 55
Logistics Careers
Logistics Plans 2G0X1
Before any mission is carried out, a carefully thought out plan must be in place. Logistics Plans Specialists ensure that equipment and people are where they need to be; when they need to be there. These experts consider all possible aspects, phases and contingencies while working with other organizations to make sure every mission is safe, successful and goes according to their plan.
In the Air National Guard, Logistics Plans Specialists are the master planners – they develop and help implement plans for everything from emergency disaster relief to deployments as well as search and rescue missions. As a Logistics Plans Specialist, you'll organize deployments, identify shortfalls, and develop crisis action procedures in conjunction with other organizations.
- Tech School Location: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
- 27 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Admin - 56
Materiel Management 2S0X1
No matter what their position is, every Airman needs equipment and supplies to do their job. Materiel Management Specialists administer and operate complex supply systems to ensure financial accountability for all supplies. An incredibly detailed and critical job, these specialists ensure every asset—from paperclips to multimillion-dollar machinery—is accounted for and available whenever our Airmen need them.
There’s nothing worse than being hit with a sudden emergency and not having the tools you need to respond. The Materiel Management Specialist is in charge of obtaining all the supplies and equipment an Air National Guard unit could possibly need for any conceivable mission, and getting them into the right hands. In the event of an unexpected natural disaster, catastrophe, or attack, it is your job to make sure we have the gear we need, when we need it.
- Tech School Location: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
- 33 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Admin - 41 or General - 44
Traffic Management 2T0X1
The Air Force ships millions of dollars' worth of equipment and supplies around the world every year. It’s the responsibility of Traffic Management Specialists to manage the transportation of personnel, material and equipment as they’re shipped from base to base. These experts keep track of every shipment to ensure everything gets into the right hands at the right time.
It'll be your job to ensure shipments are ready for transport, inspect freight for damage, keep accurate records, and operate forklifts, pallet trucks, and hand trucks. The work of the Traffic Management Specialist is vital, because when disaster strikes, the Air National Guard must be ready to respond immediately, and with the right tools.
- Tech School Location: Fort Lee, Virginia
- 41 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Admin - 35
Air Transportation 2T2X1
To provide our bases with the resources they need, we must control a lot of moving parts. Air Transportation Specialists ensure that everything and everyone on a military aircraft is transported safely and quickly. These professionals are responsible for coordinating the valuable people and supplies we ship around the world.
Before that C-17 rolls down the strip, the Air Transportation Specialist makes sure it's packed tight with everything the troops will need to complete missions. From food, water, and medical supplies to Humvees, you'll be responsible for securely packing cargo so that it can be loaded and transported safely and quickly. Once that plane takes off, there’s no turning back if something’s forgotten, which is why the Air Transportation Specialist ensures absolutely everything is loaded and ready to go.
- Tech School Location: Fort Lee, Virginia
- 28 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Mechanical - 47 & Admin - 28
Vehicle and Vehicular Maintenance 2T3X1
The Air Force operates a wide range of vehicles that each require specific maintenance procedures. Responsible for inspecting and troubleshooting vehicle repairs, Vehicular Maintenance Specialists make sure that every vehicle on the base remains in working order. From snow blowers and dump trucks to forklifts and cranes, these experts are trained to service every system on every vehicle so our base operations can continue running smoothly.
If you think you like tinkering around in the car shop, imagine how much you’ll love working on the vehicles that the Air National Guard maintains and operates. As a Vehicular Maintenance Specialist, you’ll inspect, troubleshoot, and repair a variety of vehicles such as dump trucks, bucket loaders, fork lifts, and even firefighting and refueling equipment. When disaster strikes or an enemy attacks, it’s your job to make sure the Air Guard vehicles are maintained and ready to go.
- Tech School Location: Port Hueneme
- 20 Academic Days
- ASVAB Score Requirements: Mechanical-47
Vehicle Management 2T3X7
The Air Force has thousands of specialized vehicles that support us as we carry out our mission. It’s the responsibility of Vehicle Management Specialists to inspect, troubleshoot and repair these sophisticated vehicles. From gasoline and diesel engines, to hydraulic and air systems, these experts receive first-class training to ensure that every vehicle gets the expert attention it needs.
As a Vehicle Management Specialist, you’ll be in charge of making sure every vehicle assigned to your unit is up and running as quickly as possible. In this job, you’ll be trained in the latest computer technology to keep track of the maintenance of all the vehicles on base. You’ll also be responsible for long-range forecasting of maintenance needs based on your knowledge of the vehicles and the people who drive them.
Tech School Location: Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
30 Academic Days
ASVAB Score Requirements: Admin - 41