CMSgt Chase J. Liphart is the Command Chief, 184th Wing, Kansas Air National Guard, McConnell Air Force Base, Kansas. The 1,300 members of the 184th operate a diverse set of missions focusing on intelligence, surveillance, and reconnaissance operations as well as network and information operations, full spectrum command and control, and the Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range. The wing also fields a full complement of support functions including civil engineering, medical, security forces, logistics, finance, and force support units. It is also a key node in the Air Force Distributed Common Ground System, providing deployed combat forces with near-real time processing, exploitation, and dissemination of reconnaissance aircraft sensor data. Additionally, the 184th Wing is charged with the operation and security of the entire Air National Guard network cyber domain. CMSgt Liphart is responsible for advising commanders and staff on mission effectiveness, professional development, military readiness, training, utilization, health, morale, welfare, mission effectiveness, and proper utilization of the command’s 1,000-plus enlisted Airmen that are assigned to five groups comprised of 15 squadrons, of which two are geographically separated.
CMSgt Liphart enlisted in the Active-Duty Air Force in October 2002 and was assigned to the 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, McConnell AFB, Kansas. He served in various roles in the Vehicle Management Flight to include Foreman, Assistant Noncommissioned Officer In Charge, and NCOIC. During this period, CMSgt Liphart deployed four times supporting Operations ENDURING FREEDOM and IRAQI FREEDOM. In 2012, he was approved to Palace Chase into the Air National Guard Active Guard/Reserve program and was further assigned to Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range, Salina, Kan., as a Vehicle Maintenance craftsman. In June 2016, CMSgt Liphart was selected as the range’s Operations Superintendent and cross-trained into Operations Management where he completed apprentice school at Shepard AFB, Texas. As the Operations Superintendent, he oversaw the scheduling of all flight and ground training as well as range maintenance, upgrades and weapons scoring systems. Prior to assuming his current position, CMSgt Liphart spent three years as Smoky Hill ANG Range’s Senior Enlisted Leader. He was the principal advisor to the commander, overseeing the professional development, welfare, readiness and morale for both military and civilian personnel as well as overseeing the support for current and emerging United States Air Force, joint and coalition aerial warfighter training across 34,000 acres of bombardment training space.
2003 Interservice Mechanic Apprentice Course, Port Hueneme Naval Air Station, Calif.
2003 Vehicle and Equipment Maintenance Apprentice Course, Port Hueneme NAS, Calif.
2005 Systems and Electronic Inc 60K Cargo Loader Maintenance Course, Port Hueneme NAS, Calif.
2005 Industrial Hydraulics Course, National Fluid Power Institute, Houston, Texas
2006 Airman Leadership School, McConnell Air Force Base, Kan.
2013 Non-commissioned Officer Academy, McGhee Tyson Air National Guard Base, Tenn.
2015 A.S. Vehicle Maintenance, Community College of the Air Force
2016 USAF Senior Non-commissioned Officer Academy, Gunter AFB, Ala., by correspondence
2017 Operations Management Apprentice Course, Sheppard AFB, Texas
2018 A.S. Maintenance Production Management, Community College of the Air Force
2020 Civil Engineer Superintendent Course, Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio
2020 ANG Chief Master Sergeants Orientation Course, ANG Readiness Center, Washington, D.C., by correspondence
2022 Enlisted Joint PME I, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va., by correspondence
2022 Enlisted Joint PME II, Joint Forces Staff College, Norfolk, Va., by correspondence
- October 2002-December 2002, Trainee, 322nd Basic Military Training Squadron, Lackland Air Force Base, Texas
- December 2002-May 2003, Student, 344th Detachment 1 Training Squadron, Port Hueneme Naval Air Station, Calif.
- May 2003-January 2007, Vehicle Maintenance, 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, McConnell AFB, Kan. (June-September 2004, Vehicle Maintenance, 407th Air Expeditionary Group)
- January 2007-July 2010, Assistant NCOIC Heavy Equipment, 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, McConnell AFB, Kan. (January-June 2007, Vehicle Maintenance, 732nd Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron) (July 2008-January 2009, Vehicle Maintenance, 332nd Expeditionary Logistices Readiness Squadron) (December 2009-July 2010, NCOIC Vehicle Maintenance, 451st Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron)
- July 2010-January 2011, NCOIC Heavy Equipment, 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, McConnell AFB, Kan.
- January 2011-January 2012, Vehicle Maintenance Foreman, 22nd Logistics Readiness Squadron, McConnell AFB, Kan.
- January 2012-June 2014, Vehicle Maintenance, Detachment 1, Smoky Hill Air National Guard Range, Kan.
- June 2014-June 2016, Vehicle Maintenance Superintendent, Detachment 1, Smoky Hill ANG Range, Kan.
- June 2016-October 2019, Operations Superintendent, Detachment 1, Smoky Hill ANG Range, Kan.
- October 2019-January 2023, Senior Enlisted Leader, Detachment 1, Smoky Hill ANG Range, Kan.
- January 2023-Present, Command Chief Master Sergeant, 184th Wing, McConnell AFB, Kan.
Meritorious Service Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air and Space Commendation Medal with two oak leaf clusters
Air and Space Achievement Medal
2017 Top Graduate, Operations Management Apprentice Course
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of Kansas, Lifetime Member
Enlisted Association of the National Guard of the United States
ANG Range Advisory Council, Vice Chairman, 2020-2021
184th Wing Chiefs Group, Vice President, 2021-2022
Airman Basic Oct. 22, 2002
Airman First Class Dec. 6, 2002
Senior Airman April 6, 2005
Staff Sergeant May 1, 2007
Technical Sergeant July 1, 2010
Master Sergeant Oct. 16, 2014
Senior Master Sergeant June 2, 2017
Chief Master Sergeant Feb. 17, 2020
(Current as of February 2023)
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