Lt Col Bailey joined the Kansas Air National Guard, 184th Bomb Wing in 2002 as an Instructor Weapons Systems Officer with the B-1B. He was immediately assigned to the 177th Information Aggressor Squadron as the Chief of Standardization and Evaluations. In 2006, Lt Col Bailey became the 184 Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Commander. After commanding the Aircraft Maintenance Squadron he was selected as the first Munitions Squadron Commander. He currently is the commander of 103 personnel and is responsible for 440 million dollars of munitions and release equipment. Lt Col Bailey has three children: Tre, Taylor, and Addysen.

1990 Bachelor of Science United States Air Force Academy
1996 Squadron Officers School
1998 United States Air Force Weapons School
2001 Air Command & Staff College
2002 MAS, Embry Riddle University
2011 Air War College

1. May 1990 - April 1991, Undergraduate Navigator Training, 452st FTS, Mather AFB, CA
2. Dec 1991 - August 1992, B-52 Combat Crew Training, 329th CCTS, Castle AFB, CA
3. August 1992 - July 1993, Instructor/Evaluator Navigator B-52H, 644th BS, K.I. Sawyer AFB, MI
4. July 1993 - July 1994, B-1B Combat Crew Training Squadron, 338th CCTS, Dyess AFB, TX
5. July 1994 - July 1995, B-1B Offensive Systems Officer, 37th BS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
6. July 1995 - July 1996, Weapons System Officer, 37th BS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
7. July 1996 - July 1997, B-1B Instructor Weapons System Officer, 37th BS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
8. July 1997 - October 1998, Assistant Flight Commander Weapons and Tactics, 37th BS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
9. October 1998 - June 1999, Training Flight Commander, 37th BS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
10. June 1999 - May 2002, Flight Commander USAF Weapons School, Detachment 1 USAFWS, Ellsworth AFB, SD
11. July 2002 - May 2006, Aggressor Team Chief, 177th Information Aggressor Squadron, KSANG, McConnell Air Force Base, KS
12. June 2006 - August 2007, Commander, 184th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, KSANG, McConnell Air Force Base, KS
13. September 2007 - Present, Commander, 184th Munitions Squadron, KSANG, McConnell Air Force Base, KS
14. October 2007 - March 2008, Vice Commander, 184th Wing, KSANG, McConnell Air Force Base, KS
15. March 2008 - May 2011, Commander, 184th Intelligence Wing, KSANG, McConnell Air Force Base, KS
16. May 2011 - Present, Director of Staff, Chief of Plans, 184th Intelligence Wing, KSANG, Air Force Base KS

Flight CC of the Year USAF Weapons School 2002
CGO of the quarter 2000
Top Instructor, 37 BS 1999
Student Flying Award, USAF Weapons School 1998
Air Force Meritorious Service Medal with one oak leaf clusters
Air Medal
Air Force Commendation Medal with one oak leaf clusters
Air Force Achievement Medal
Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with two oak leaf clusters
National Defense Service Medal with one device
Armed Forces Expeditionary Medal
Global War on Terrorism Service Medal
Air Force Oversees Ribbon Short
Air Force Training Ribbon with four oak leaf clusters
NATO Medal

Lieutenant - 30 May 1990
First Lieutenant - 30 May 1992
Captain - 30 May 1994
Major - 1 August 2001
Lieutenant Colonel - 1 December 2006

Current as of 3 October 2011
Collapse All Expand All
Expand List item 300Collapse List item 300  <p>Mailing Address:<br> 52960 Jayhawk Dr.<br> McConnell AFB, KS 67221</p><p>Wichita Area Code – 316<br> Comm. Prefix – 759-XXXX<br> DSN Prefix – 743-XXXX<br> McConnell Operator – 6100<br> Weather Line – 1-800-892-5264</p>

Local Information

Recruiting - 316-759-7424


Mailing Address:

52960 Jayhawk Dr.
McConnell AFB, KS 67221


Wichita Area Code – 316
Comm. Prefix – 759-XXXX
DSN Prefix – 743-XXXX
McConnell Operator – 6100
Weather Line – 1-800-892-526

Essential Numbers

184th Command Post – 759-7070
184th Force Support Sq. – 759-7431
184th Comptroller Flight – 759-7068
184th Sec. Forces Sq. – 759-7445
184th Medical Group - 759-7380
184th Public Affairs – 759-7561
Family Support Office – 759-7092
Director of Psych. Health – 759-8901
Sexual Assault Helpline – 759-7011
22nd Medical Group – 759-6300

Update your ID - 759-7431